Authors: O. Basanets, V. Apostolyuk
Journal: Information Systems, Mechanics, and Control, No. 2, 2009, pp. 69-78
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: In order to develop fuzzy control system, modelling of an aircraft dynamics in 6 degrees of freedom has been conducted in this paper. Fuzzy controller is designed using the Mamdani algorithm. Operation of the obtained fuzzy altitude and velocity control system for the given altitude and echelon changing with respect to the aircraft parameters modification, such as mass, maximum engines thrust, centre of gravity variations, is studied in this work. Linear and angular wind disturbances are considered in the study as well.
Reference: Басанець О.П., Апостолюк В.О. Дослідження похибок нечіткої системи керування літаком // Інформаційні системи, механіка та керування.– 2009. – №2. – С. 69-78.
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