Authors: V. Apostolyuk
Publisher: Proc. of 5th Int. Congress "Aviation in XXI Century: Aviation and Space Technology Safety", 25-27 of September, 2012
Language: English
Abstract: Mathematical model for the angle of trajectory rotation of a Coriolis vibratory gyroscope (CVG) sensitive element has been developed in this paper. It allows designing miniature angular rate sensors based on the trajectory analysis contrary to the conventional secondary amplitude detection. Corresponding transfer functions were derived that can be used to develop filtering and control systems for CVG.
Reference: Apostolyuk V. Modelling Trajectory Rotation in Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes // Авіація в ХХІ сторіччі – Безпека в авіаційних та космічних технологіях: 5-й всесвітньій конгрес, 25-27 вересня 2012 р.: збірник доповідей. – К.: НАУ, 2012.
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