Dr. Vladislav Apostolyuk

Research & Developments

Authors: V. Apostolyuk, V. Boiko

Publisher: Proceedings of the X International Conference "Avia-2011", 2011, Vol. 3, pp. 9.31-9.34

Language: English

Abstract: Synthesis of the integrated system for incidence angle measurement is presented in this conference paper. Two Pitot tube sensors measurements are used for incidence angle determining. In order to reduce errors, integration with the accelerometer sensor is proposed, and the corresponding stationary multidimensional integrating filter is developed.

Reference: Apostolyuk V.O., Boiko V.M. Integrated System of Incidence Angle Measurement // Авіа-2011: Х міжнародна науково-технічна конференція, 19-21 квітня 2011 р.: збірник доповідей. – К.: НАУ, 2011.– Том 3.– С. 9.31-9.34.

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