Authors: V. Apostolyuk
Publisher: Proc. of VII Int. Conf. "Gyrotechnology, Navigation, Motion Control, and Aerospace Systems Design", 2009, Vol. 1, pp. 252-258.
Language: English
Abstract: Evolutionary approach to the numerical solving of multi-dimensional procedural optimal control problems with respect to arbitrary representation of plant model and constraints is considered in this paper. New genetic algorithm with variable control programs length is proposed and its characteristics are investigated while solving the test problem.
Reference: Apostolyuk V. Evolutionary Control Algorithm Parameters Optimization // Гіротехнології, навігація керування рухом і конструювання авіаційно-космічної техніки: VІІ міжнародна наук. техн. конф., 2009 р.: збірник доповідей. – К.: НТУУ «КПІ», 2009. – Ч. 1. – С. 252-258.
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