Authors: V. Apostolyuk
Journal: Sceintific News of the National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI", 2008, No. 2, pp. 7-14
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: This paper studies a generalized structure of the state traversal algorithms and the methods of their adaptation to procedural optimal control of the multidimensional dynamic systems. Based on the developed structure, new special scoring functions, the methods of vector encoding control and state space discretization are proposed. Furthermore, through the test problem solved the capability of such algorithms to solve the optimal control problems, as well as the improved efficiency over the existing algorithms, is demonstrated.
Reference: Апостолюк В.О. Пошукові алгоритми процедурного оптимального керування // Наукові вісті Національного технічного університету України “КПІ”.– 2008.– № 2.– С. 7-14.
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