Dr. Vladislav Apostolyuk

Research & Developments


V. Apostolyuk. Generalized Theory and Design Methodologies of Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes // Doctor of Science (Dr.Sc.) dissertation manuscript, NTUU "KPI", 2016, 245 p. (Dissertation)

V. Apostolyuk. Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes: Theory and Design // Springer, USA, 2016, 117 p. (Book)

V. Apostolyuk, P. Trojanov, M. Komnatska. Fundamentals of Flight Control Theory: Aircraft Flight Control System Calculation // Term Project Methodological Guidelines, NAU, 2016, 32 p. (Guidelines)


V. Apostolyuk. Whole Angle Force Rebalance Control for Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscope // Proc. of IEEE 3rd Int. Conf. "Methods and Systems of Navigation and Motion Control", 14-17 of October, 2014, pp. 69-71. (Conference Paper)


V. Apostolyuk. Optimal Filtering of Temperature Errors for Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes // Proc. of IEEE 2nd Int. Conf. "Actual Problems of Unmanned Air Vehicles Developments", 15-17 October, 2013, pp. 96-98. (Conference Paper)

V. Apostolyuk. Dynamics of Trajectory Rotation in Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes // Mechanics of Gyroscopic Systems, 2013, No. 26, pp. 15-21. (Journal Paper)

V. Apostolyuk. Demodulated Dynamics and Optimal Noise Filtering for Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes // Military Technical Collection, 2013, No. 1(8), pp. 81-88. (Journal Paper)

V. Apostolyuk, O. Apostolyuk. Application of Recursive Identification to Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes // Proc. of IX Int. Conf. "Gyrotechnology, Navigation, Motion Control, and Aerospace Systems Design", 17-18 April, 2013, pp. 147-151. (Conference Paper)


V. Apostolyuk, V. Chikovani. Temperature Error Model in Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes // Electronics and Control Systems, 2012, No. 4 (34), pp. 155-158. (Journal Paper)

Z. Didyk, V. Apostolyuk. Aerodynamic Coefficient Approximation for Arbitrary Angles // Electronics and Control Systems, 2012, No. 4 (34), pp. 27-31. (Journal Paper)

V. Apostolyuk, V. ChikovaniTemperature Errors Compensation in Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes // Mechanics of Gyroscopic Systems, 2012, No. 25, pp. 22-29. (Journal Paper)

V. Apostolyuk, V. ChikovaniModelling Temperature Errors in Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes // Proc. of 2nd Int. Conf. "Methods and Systems of Navigation and Motion Control", 9-12 of October, 2012, pp. 116-118. (Conference Paper)

Z. Didyk, V. ApostolyukWhole Angle Approximations of Aerodynamic Coefficients // Proc. of 2nd Int. Conf. "Methods and Systems of Navigation and Motion Control", 9-12 of October, 2012, pp. 119-121. (Conference Paper)

V. Apostolyuk. Modelling Trajectory Rotation in Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes // Proc. of 5th Int. Congress "Aviation in XXI Century: Aviation and Space Technology Safety", 2012 (Conference Paper)


V. Apostolyuk, T. Galaguz. Programming // Homework and Term Papers Methodological Guidelines, NAU, 2011, 44 p. (Guidelines)

V. Apostolyuk. Demodulated Kalman Filtering for Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes // Information Systems, Mechanics, and Control, 2011, No. 7, pp. 116-125. (Journal Paper)

V. Apostolyuk. Excitation of Primary Oscillations in Micromechanical Vibratory Gyroscopes // Military Technical Collection, 2011, No. 2(5), pp. 130-135. (Journal Paper)

V. Apostolyuk. Cross-coupling Compensation for Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes // Mechanics of Gyroscopic Systems, 2011, No. 23, pp. 5-13. (Journal Paper)

V. Boiko, V. Apostolyuk. Integrated System of Incidence Angle Measurement // Mechanics of Gyroscopic Systems, 2011, No. 23, pp. 101-110. (Journal Paper)

V. Vozny, V. Apostolyuk. Influence of Temperature on Dynamics of Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes // Information Systems, Mechanics, and Control, 2011, No. 6, pp. 48-56. (Journal Paper)

K. Mironovich, V. Apostolyuk. Modelling of Pilot Behaviour in Terminal Control Systems // Proc. of VIII Int. Conf. "Gyrotechnology, Navigation, Motion Control, and Aerospace Systems Design", 21-22 April, 2011, Vol. 2, pp. 97-101. (Conference Paper)

V. Vozny, V. Apostolyuk. Dynamics of Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes Under Influence of Temperature // Proc. of VIII Int. Conf. "Gyrotechnology, Navigation, Motion Control, and Aerospace Systems Design", 21-22 April, 2011, Vol. 1, pp. 48-51. (Conference Paper)

V. Apostolyuk, V. Boiko. Integrated System of Incidence Angle Measurement // Proc. of X Int. Conf.  "Avia-2011", 19-21 of April, 2011, Vol. 3, pp. 9.31-9.34. (Conference Paper)

V. Apostolyuk, I. Ivanenko. Cross-coupling Compensation for Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes // Proc. of X Int. Conf.  "Avia-2011", 19-21 of April, 2011, Vol. 3, pp. 9.35-9.38. (Conference Paper)

V. Troshchenko, L. Hamaza, V. Apostolyuk, Yu. Babich. Strain Fatigue Curves for Steels and Methods of its Paremeters Determining. Part 2. Artificial Neural Networks Based Methods // Strength of Materials, 2011, No. 1 (409), pp. 5-26. (Journal Paper


V. Apostolyuk. Dynamics of Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes in Control Systems // Systems of Control, Navigation, and Communication, 2010, No. №1 (13), pp. 62-66. (Journal Paper)

V. Apostolyuk. Demodulated Dynamics and Optimal Filtering for Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes // Proc. of 17-th St. Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems, St. Petersburg (Russia), 2010, pp. 57-59. (Conference Paper)

A. Dovgan, V. Apostolyuk. Neural-network Based Aircraft Control System Optimization // Information Systems, Mechanics, and Control, 2010, No. 4, pp. 96-105. (Journal Paper)

A. Dovgan, V. Apostolyuk. Adaptive Aircraft Longitudinal Control System based on Neural Networks // Informatics and Control Problems, 2010, No. 2 (30), pp. 64-68. (Journal Paper)

V. Apostolyuk, I. Gorbunovich. Mathematical Model of Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes Motion Trajectory // Mechanics of Gyroscopic Systems, 2010, No. 21, pp. 5-12. (Journal Paper)

V. Apostolyuk, Z. Didyk. Synthesis of Compensated Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes // Proceedings of the National Aviation University, 2010, No. 3, pp. 55-60. (Journal Paper)

Z. Didyk, V. Apostolyuk. Compensation Algorithms for Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes // Proc. of 1st Int. Conf. "Methods and Systems of Navigation and Motion Control", 13-16 of October, 2010, pp. 124-127. (Conference Paper)

V. Apostolyuk, A. Dovgan. Neural Network Based Adaptive Control System for Aircrafts // Proc. of 1st Int. Conf. "Methods and Systems of Navigation and Motion Control", 13-16 of October, 2010, pp. 128-131. (Conference Paper)

V. Apostolyuk. Optimal Sensor Noise Filtering for Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes // Mechanics of Gyroscopic Systems, 2010, No. 22, pp. 5-12. (Journal Paper)

K. Mironovich, V. Apostolyuk. Models of Pilot Behaviour in Terminal Control Problems // Mechanics of Gyroscopic Systems, 2010, No. 22, pp. 72-80. (Journal Paper)


V. Apostolyuk. Evolutionary Control Algorithm Parameters Optimization // Proc. of VII Int. Conf. "Gyrotechnology, Navigation, Motion Control, and Aerospace Systems Design", 2009, Vol. 1, pp. 252-258. (Conference Paper)

O. Basanets, V. Apostolyuk. Investigation of Aircraft Fuzzy Control System Errors // Information Systems, Mechanics, and Control, 2009, No. 2, pp. 69-78. (Journal Paper)

V. Apostolyuk. Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes in Control Systems // Proc. of IX Int. Conf.  "Avia-2009", 2009, Vol. 2, pp. 9.1-9.4. (Conference Paper)

V. Apostolyuk, O. Apostolyuk. Fundamentals of Flight Control Theory // Term Project Methodological Guidelines, NAU, 2009, 32 p. (Guidelines)

V. Apostolyuk, O. Apostolyuk. Transient Process Analysis of Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes // Mechanics of Gyroscopic Systems, 2009, No. 20, pp. 56-66. (Journal Paper)

V. Apostolyuk. Optimal Filtering of Stochastic Disturbances for Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes // Information Systems, Mechanics, and Control, 2009, No. 3, pp. 20-30. (Journal Paper)


V. Apostolyuk. Evolutionary Approach to the Procedural Optimal Control // Electronics and Control Systems, 2008, No. 2 (16), pp. 57-65. (Journal Paper)

V. Apostolyuk. Search Algorithms for Procedural Optimal Control // Scientific News of the National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI", 2008, No. 2, pp. 7-14. (Journal Paper)

V. Apostolyuk. Dynamic Errors of Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes // Mechanics of Gyroscopic Systems, 2008, No. 19, pp. 230-239. (Journal Paper)

O. Apostolyuk, V. Apostolyuk. On Transition from Discrete to Continuous Poles of a Linear Time Invariant Dynamic System by Prony's Method // Scientific News of the National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI", 2008, No. 3, pp. 80-86. (Journal Paper)

O. Apostolyuk, V. Apostolyuk. Solving Problems on Arbitrary Spacial Force Systems Simplification Using Computer // Methodological Guidelines, NTUU "KPI", 2008, 28 p. (Guidelines)

V. Apostolyuk, O. Apostolyuk. Intelligent Control Systems // Lecture Notes, NTUU "KPI", 2008, 88 p. (Lecture Notes)

V. Apostolyuk. Evolutionary Optimal Control // Proc. of 3rd Int. Congress "Aviation in XXI Century: Aviation and Space Technology Safety", 2008, Vol. 2, pp. 33.1-33.8. (Conference Paper)


V. Apostolyuk, O. Basanets, E. Krivenko. Investigation of an Aircraft Longitudinal Motion Fuzzy Control System // Proc. of VI Int. Conf. "Gyrotechnology, Navigation, Motion Control, and Aerospace Systems Design", Kiev, 2007, Vol. 2, pp. 111-117. (Conference Paper)

V. Apostolyuk. Application of State-Space Search Algorithms to Optimal Control // Proc. of VI Int. Conf. "Gyrotechnology, Navigation, Motion Control, and Aerospace Systems Design", Kiev, 2007, Vol. 2, pp. 104-110. (Conference Paper)

V. Apostolyuk. Harmonic Representation of Aerodynamic Lift and Drag Coefficients // AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 44, No. 4, July-August 2007, pp. 1402-1404. (Journal Paper)


V. Apostolyuk. Theory and Design of Micromechanical Vibratory Gyroscopes // MEMS/NEMS Handbook (Ed: Cornelius T. Leondes), Springer, 2006, Vol.1, Chapter 6, pp. 173-195. (Book Chapter)

O. Apostolyuk, V. Apostolyuk. Solving Mass Point Oscillations Problems Using Computer // Methodological Guidelines, NTUU "KPI", 2006, 64 p. (Guidelines)


V. Apostolyuk, F. Tay. Dynamics of Micromechanical Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes // Sensor Letters, Vol. 2, No 3-4, 2004, pp. 252-259. (Journal Paper)


V. Apostolyuk, V.J. Logeeswaran, F.E.H. Tay. Efficient Design of Micromechanical Gyroscopes // Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 12 (2002), pp. 948-954. (Journal Paper)

V. Apostolyuk, Logeeswaran V.J., F.E.H. Tay. Analytical Design of Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes // Proceedings of Symposium Gyro Technology 2002, Stuttgart, Germany, 2002, pp. 2.1-2.15. (Conference Paper)


V. Apostolyuk, A. Zbrutsky. Cross-sensitivity of a Micromechanical Vibratory Gyroscope // Mechanics of Gyroscopic Systems, 2000, No. 16, pp. 11-19. (Journal Paper)

A. Zbrutsky, O. Apostolyuk, V. Apostolyuk. Method of Angular Rate Sensor Synthesis Using Dynamically Tuned Gyroscope // Scientific News of the National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI", 2000, No. 5, pp. 103-109. (Journal Paper)


V. Apostolyuk. Dynamics and Errors of Micromechanical Gyroscopes // Candidate of Science (PhD) dissertation manuscript, NTUU "KPI", 1999, 168 p. (PhD Thesis)

V. Apostolyuk, A. Zbrutsky. Sensitive Element Dynamics of a Micromechanical Gyroscope // Scientific News of the National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI", 1999, No. 1, pp. 114-120. (Journal Paper)

V. Apostolyuk, A. Zbrutsky. Performances Comparative Analysis of Micromechanical Gyroscopes with Linear and Rotational Sensitive Element Motion // Gyroscopy and Navigation, 1999, No. 4, pp. 3-9. (Journal Paper)

V. Apostolyuk, A. Zbrutsky. Temperature Errors of a Gimballed Micromechanical Vibratory Gyroscope // Mechanics of Gyroscopic Systems, 1999, No. 15, pp. 3-10. (Journal Papers)

V. Apostolyuk, A. Zbrutsky. Micromechanical Vibratory Gyroscope // Proc. of II Int. Conf. "Gyrotechnology, Navigation, and Motion Control", Kiev, 1999, pp. 11-12. (Abstract)


A. Zbrutsky, V. Apostolyuk. Micromechanical Gyroscopes and Their Using in Control Systems // Proc. of Int. Conf. "Instrumentmaking - 98", Simpheropol, 1998, pp. 289-292. (Conference Paper)

A. Zbrutsky, V. Apostolyuk. Sensitive Element Dynamics of a Mircromechanical Gyroscope with Additional Frame // Gyroscopy and Navigation, 1998, No. 3 (22), pp. 13-23. (Journal Paper)

V. Apostolyuk, A. Zbrutsky. Dynamics of Single-Mass Micromechanical Gyroscopes // Proc. of Int. Conf. "Instruments and  Systems of Orientation, Stabilisation, and Navigation", Moscow, 1998, pp. 52-65. (Conference Paper)

A. Zbrutsky, V. Apostolyuk. Investigation of Dynamics of a Gimballed Micromechanical Gyroscope // Scientific News of the National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI", 1998, No. 3, pp. 115-121. (Journal Paper)


V. Apostolyuk, A. Zbrutsky. Investigation of Micromechanical Inertial Devices // Proc. 4-th St. Petersburg international conference on integrated navigation systems, St. Petersburg, 1997, pp. 330-336. (Conference Paper)

A. Zbrutsky, V. Apostolyuk. Micromechanical Sensor of Kinematic Parameters // Proc. of Int. Conf. "Gyrotechnology, Navigation, Motion Control", Kiev, 1997, pp. 39-40. (Abstracts)

V. Apostolyuk, A. Zbrutsky, V. Maresh. Physical Basis for Superconducting Angle Measurement Sensor Development // Mechanics of Gyroscopic Systems, 1997, No. 14, pp. 10-15. (Journal Paper)


V. Apostolyuk, A. Zbrutsky. Micromechanical Vibratory Gyroscope // Proc. of Int. Conf. "Modern Scientific and Technological Problems of Civil Aviation", Moscow, 1996, pp. 116-117. (Abstracts)


Books, dissertations, lecture notes, and guidelines

Journal papers

Conference papers and abstracts