Dr. Vladislav Apostolyuk

Research & Developments

Authors: V. Apostolyuk, A. Zbrutsky

Publisher: Proceedings of the International Conference "Instruments and Systems of Orientation, Stabilisation, and Navigation", Moscow, 1998, pp. 52-65

Language: Russian

Abstract: This conference paper deals with designs and dynamics of single-mass micromechanical gyroscopes. Motion equations are derived and analysed in case of rotating basis. Errors from the following sources are studied: linear acceleration and vibrations, angular vibrations, temperature variations. Either errors reduction or compensation methodologies are derived.

Reference: Апостолюк В.А., Збруцкий А.В. Динамика одномассовых микромеханических гироскопов // Сборник докладов юбилейной научно-технической конференции “Приборы и системы ориентации, стабилизации и навигации”, Москва: МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 1998, с. 52-65.

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